Filetrip is a very unique and powerful wordpress plugin that not only help you acquire & manage digital information (Files, Videos, Music, Audio, Documents and Archives), the plugin mainly integrates your website to the cloud and let you sync almost any digital files into the two top cloud storage services available on the internet (Dropbox, FTP & Google Drive), where you can almost forward and distribute all of your website Media and acquired digital content to whatever channel you want.
Backup WP up
Have you ever dreamt of backing up your website with a single click ? Filetrip does that for you with ease, it doesn’t just backup your website content, it does generate an SQL backup for your database as well. Eventually all of your website content including the database will be archived and ready to be shipped to your cloud storage, whether you select Dropbox, Google Drive or FTP as your backup channel.

Use an inbuilt chat system, email or call our 24/7 support department directly to deal with any issue.
Filetrip Features
GByte upload size limit
Get the freedom for your users to upload as much large files as you need. With chunk upload technology, users can upload Gigabytes of files with no old upload_max restrictions.
Ready for translation
Arfaly Press has a ready template (.PO) that can be translated efficiently and easily to any targeted language.
Responsive Design
Arfaly press has been built with care to make it work gracefully across different common browsers and screen resolutions.
Accepts wide range of MIME’s
It can filter and accept most known file types (Documents, Audio, Video, Music, and Archives).
Auto generated and highly configurable WordPress shortcode for your uploaders that can be easily placed wherever you want in your website.
Global Settings
Global setting for Arfaly Press that allow the admins to control general options like (Auto-approve, Email notifications, and File filters).
Instantiate unlimited uploader’s
You can instantiate hundreds of uploaders with different constraints and options that touches (File size, Upload limits, Accessibility, Themes and styles customization).
Three different channels
You can redirect users upload to whatever cloud storage you prefer by enabling auto-approve feature.
Instant file transfer
Simply transfer any media file to a pre-configured destination in Dropbox, FTP or Google drive by a single click.
Get notified
You can enable notification feature to be able to recieve notification whenever a user uploads new files to your website..
Back WP up
You will never feel more safer with the simple backup feature for the content and the database of your website.
Accepts wide range of MIME’s
It can filter and accept most known file types (Documents, Audio, Video, Music, and Archives).